Malta Justice Chair John Santa To Be Honored At Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition Annual Breakfast on April 30th in Bridgeport

Malta Justice Chair John Santa To Be Honored At Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition Annual Breakfast on April 30th in Bridgeport

Bridgeport – The Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition (BCAC) has announced that it will host its 30th annual Breakfast on Thursday, April 30th, 7:30am, at the Bridgeport Holiday Inn.

This year’s speaker is Bob Herbert, a senior fellow at the think tank Demos and the author of Losing Our Way: An Intimate Portrait of a Troubled America. Previously, Herbert was an opinion columnist for The New York Times, where he established himself as a leading voice for the working poor and middle class.

At the breakfast, which traditionally draws about 300 people, two local people will be honored: John Santa from the Malta Justice Initiative, will get the Cesear Batalla Community Service award and Fran Rabinowitz, interim superintendent of schools will get the Jan Park Child Advocacy award.

More information about the event can be found at


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