“The Justice Imperative,” at The Public Library of New London, Monday, March 23, 5:30pm.

“The Justice Imperative,” at The Public Library of New London, Monday, March 23, 5:30pm.
63 Huntington Street   New London, Connecticut 06320 tel: 860-447-1411 fax: 860-443-2083
Reprinted from plnl.org.


Join us for a discussion of the book “The Justice Imperative” on Monday, March 23 at 5:30pm.

A dedicated group of professionals from the fields of law, academia, business, religion and corrections took a unique approach to the problem of mass incarceration in Connecticut and the United States. They wrote a book–together. And they want to share their findings with you.

Hear from one of the authors how this process took place, what concerns you should have as a citizen and taxpayer–where is your money going? what is it doing? are communities safer? are we being smart on crime or simply paying lipservice to being “tough” on crime? Take this opportunity to engage in a conversation about one of the most important civil rights issues of our time in the 21st century.

To register, please click here.

Location: Community Room


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